Payment Guide

If you are having issues with the payment process or it is your first time using NUSFastPay, the OrgComm would recommend that you download the Yale-NUS Pro-Ams 2020 Payment Tutorial. This outlines the steps on how to navigate NUSFastPay in order to pay for the tournament. If you have any issues that are not covered […]

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Team Registration Closes in 10 Days

Team registration for Yale-NUS Pro-Ams 2020 is open for another 10 days! Be sure to register as soon as possible because of the current team cap of 52 teams. The Yale-NUS Debate Society is excited to welcome you to the inaugural edition of this tournament.

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Revealing Our Fourth CA: Bala Prashanti

The OrgComm at the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams is proud to announce our fourth Adjudication Core member: Bala Prashanthi from Nanyang Technological University! Bala Prashanthi was a winner and finals best speaker at Cicero World Tour 2020; finalist at SP-Jain Debate Championships 2018; semi-finalist at NTU Pro-Ams Debate Tournament 2017; and grand finalist at Taylor’s Debate […]

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Revealing Our Third CA: Maria Ikeda!

The OrgComm at the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams is proud to announce our third Adjudication Core member: Maria Ikeda from Akita International University, Japan! Maria was the chief adjudicator at Asia Online Debate Championship BP; chief adjudicator at Japan Universities Debate Championship; deputy chief adjudicator at Wenzao Championship 2020; and a grand finalist and the 3rd […]

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Team Registration Opens

Team registration is now open for Yale-NUS Pro-Ams 2020! We are currently capping the number of teams at 52, so do register as soon as possible. The Yale-NUS Debate Society looks forward to welcoming you to the initial iteration of this tournament.

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Revealing our second CA: Wisha Jamal!

The OrgComm at the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams is proud to announce our second Adjudication Core member: Wisha Jamal from the Yale-NUS Debate Society, Yale-NUS College! Wisha Jamal was a breaking judge and a quarterfinals judge at UADC 2019; semifinalist at NTU Online Debate Open 2020; semifinalist at IIUM Open 2019; and a pre-semifinalist at SMU […]

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Independent Adjudicator Registration

We are now looking for Independent Adjudicators (IAs) for the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams. IAs receive a subsidy (worth SGD 20 per round) from the Yale-NUS Debate Society and play an important role in ensuring the quality of this tournament. Interested applicants must submit a CV with accomplishments from their debating career, both as speakers and […]

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Announcing the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams

The Yale-NUS Debate Society is proud to announce the launch of the 1st Yale-NUS Pro-Ams. The Yale-NUS Pro-Ams is a British Parliamentary-format tournament where a global pool of experienced and novice debaters will not only debate with, but also learn from each other. The Yale-NUS Pro-Ams will take place on 5-6 September, 2020, over the […]

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