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Keep posted with important details about the Pro-Ams, here!

Tournament Schedule

Date: 5-6 September, 2020


Platform: Zoom + Discord + Telegram

All debates take place on Zoom. Discord will be used for disseminating information and as a backup platform, while updates will be delivered over Telegram.

Pro/Am Status

A Pro/Am team must comprise one ‘Pro’ member and one ‘Am’ (Amateur) member. You may also register as an Am/Am team with two ‘Am’ members. A Pro/Pro team is NOT possible.

You are considered a ‘Pro’ member if you have:

a) participated at a ‘major’ tournament, e.g. WUDC;

b) broken more than once at any collegiate/university level tournament.

You may appeal for an exception from requirement b), subject to the adjudication core’s ruling.

More information about the registration and appeal process will be revealed closer to 31 July, our Team Registration opening date.

Other Information

Go to
Handbook & Tech Brief
for information about regulations,
schedule, and technical logistics.

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More information about what makes Yale-NUS Pro-Ams special will be revealed in the coming weeks!